Class Schedule

Beginner Mysore-Style Ashtanga Yoga

Thursdays 6-7pm

Mysore-Style Ashtanga Yoga is the self-led practice of the Ashtanga Yoga system, in community with other practitioners each at their own pace, supervised by a teacher that will give individual guidance to each student.

This beginner’s class focuses on the foundations of the primary series, using props and modifications to meet the needs of every body and level of ability.

Register at Yoga Punx PDX

An all-levels class that focuses on mobility, accessibility and mindfulness through Yoga asana (postures), vinyasa (movement) and pranayama (breath work).

Register at Eastside Kettlebell Collective

Saturdays 11:30am-12:30pm

Yoga at Eastside Kettlebell Collective

Private Classes

1:1 or group classes tailored to fit your needs. Reach out to schedule a consultation.